
Resource scheme


What is a Student Resource Scheme (SRS)?

A SRS is a service provided by the school to assist parents with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks, resources, consumables and/or materials from elsewhere, through reduced prices gained from the school's bulk purchasing processes. These resources enhance the student's engagement with the curriculum.  

A SRS provides a convenient option that offers good value to participants and ensures participating students have access to the same standard of resources. Parents will need to provide these resources themselves if they choose not to participate in the SRS.


SRS fee and Resource Inclusions

All resources included in the SRS are detailed in the SRS Resource list provided in the Enrolment Information pack or obtained from the school office.   This list is also available on the school's website. This is a comprehensive list of all resources included in the scheme and their associated costs.  Please contact the school office to obtain the participation fee for the year of your enrolment.


What does the Queensland Government fund in schools?

Under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld) (Section 50(2)), 'instruction' (e.g. teaching), 'facilities' (e.g. buildings) and 'administration' (school operation costs) are met by the State at no cost to students. State funding for schools does not extend to individual student resources such as textbooks, equipment for personal use and items used/consumed by the student in the classroom.


What do I need to do if I want to participate in the SRS?

A form called the Participation Agreement Form (or PAF) will be provided to parents/carers to complete at enrolment for each SRS relevant to the child's enrolment.


If I can't afford the SRS fees, what options are available?

If parents are experiencing financial hardship they should contact the school's Principal to arrange a meeting to talk about possible options.

Last reviewed 12 August 2024
Last updated 12 August 2024